This project offers a message of hope. Bizarre creature nicknamed 'flying penguin' gets fresh chance at survival thanks to ...
The rarely-seen species with its distinct leaf-shaped nose was recorded in 10 new locations, including the eastern Ecuadorian ...
Hikers in Papua New Guinea heard the “harsh” sound coming from the treetops and followed it. Take a look at what they discovered.
Maximus, a ginormous 125-year-old alligator snapping turtle that staff loved to swim with and who brought smiles to thousands ...
Anglers set their fishing lines off the coast of El Salvador and waited. When they eventually hauled in their catch, they ...
Scientists have been curious about how kangaroos evolved to hop with such efficiency. To investigate that, researchers turned ...
How closely have you been following the news about retail closures, rap battles and Russian strikes?
During their surveys, the team found several unfamiliar-looking brown eels, the study said. They took a closer look at the ...