Aside from their world-famous geysers, Yellowstone is renowned for its diverse populations of wildlife, especially its ...
Thousands of black bears live in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. Here are some tips for staying safe as they ...
ST. PAUL, Minn. (KFGO) – Black bears in Minnesota are beginning to emerge from their winter dens. The DNR advises residents ...
As spring awakens across New Jersey, so do its black bears, emerging from their winter dens with a fierce appetite. The New ...
Both grizzly and black bears in the Northern Rockies and the Sierra Nevada usually begin emerging from their dens in ...
A wildlife naturalist guide captured the footage of a sleepy black bear mother emerging from the den and revealing her cubs ...
Michigan black bears are leaving hibernation for the spring season. Experts offer guidance in case of bear encounters in northern Michigan. Michigan is home to more than 12,000 black bears ...
If you like your backyard sans bears, it’s time to remove birdfeeders. As spring arrives, Michigan’s 12,000 black bears are ...
Experts say black bears are becoming more common in eastern Massachusetts. Electric fences are an effective method to deter bears from chickens, livestock and beehives. Experts suggests giving ...
With unseasonably warm temperatures in early March in Steamboat Springs, at least five different yearling or adult male black ...