Solving a 30-year mystery Boulton became interested in dynamic single-molecule analysis when studying RAD51 — an enzyme regulated by BRCA2 to repair double-strand DNA breaks. Multiple RAD51 ...
Both BRCA2 and the Shu complex were found to also collaborate with similar proteins. One important player is the "molecular matchmaker" RAD51, which attaches itself to broken DNA strands and helps ...
Different genomic alterations in DNA damage repair (DDR) pathways occur in 20% to 25% of advanced prostate cancer, including homologous recombination repair (HRR) gene alterations. Identifying the ...
These include the ATM and NBS1 proteins that are part of the DSB sensing complex, and the BRCA2 protein that binds to the resected ssDNA (Yang et al., 2002) and catalyzes the formation of the ...
A distinct replication fork protection pathway connects Fanconi anemia tumor suppressors to RAD51-BRCA1/2. Cancer Cell 22(1 ... Jasin M. Plasticity of BRCA2 function in homologous recombination: ...