According to the whistleblower, CBP’s Air and Marine Operations division posed “a substantial and specific danger to public safety” when it permitted most of its AS350 light Helicopter fleet to ...
The Helicopter we took was a AS350/ H125 Light Enforcement Helicopter (LEH) is a short-range, turbine-powered helicopter used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Air and Marine Operations to ...
around 9 a.m. The helicopter, a Eurocopter AS350 B3, belonged to Granite Coast Mapping, a company registered in Coronado. Little additional information about the company is currently available. Katz ...
Van Horn Aviation received Supplemental Type Certification (STC) and Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) from the FAA for its tail rotor for the Airbus AS350.
"Preliminary investigations revealed that the helicopter was of type Eurocopter AS350 and that several of the passengers that were killed were PKK fighters," the counterterrorism force said.