A ustralian scientists officially confirmed the existence of a new venomous funnel-web spider species, named Big Boy (Atrax ...
The deadly 3.54-inch-long spider Atrax christenseni is among the most dangerously venomous spiders for humans.
"If you are bitten by a funnel-web spider, call an ambulance and go straight to hospital," researcher Geoff Isbister said.
Let's talk about the funnel web spider, one of the most notorious arachnids in the world. Known for their fast-acting venom, ...
Australian scientists have identified a larger, venomous species of the Sydney funnel-web spider, 'Big Boy.' Meanwhile, Loft ...
There are a staggering 43,000 species of spiders, and among them, the Sydney funnel-web is considered the most dangerous - ...