Check out The Dreadnaught Returns cinematic from Destiny 2: Heresy, the new Episode of the FPS game. Destiny 2: Heresy is ...
The Dreadnaught is back once again in Destiny 2, but how do you get around in it and what is there to loot? Here's how the ...
Destiny 2 Heresy introduced a new story. In Act 1 you can complete quest called Echoed Warnings. However, players are stuck ...
Destiny 2's Heresy is about to be released, and it's already lacking an important part of new seasons and Episodes.
Destiny 2 gameplay leaks have revealed new Episode Heresy weapons, including the return of a fan-favorite from D1.
Beloved by many sniper rifle No Land Beyond can make a comeback in D2. Can you get it right now, though? Here you will find ...
Watchful Eye is an Aggressive Frame Arc machine gun with a couple of good new perks. The only other decent Arc machine gun in ...
Yes,  it’s true that The Final Shape was indeed the end of an major era that spanned a decade, all the way back to Destiny 1 ...